I will be turning 30 in just over 5 years. As I go, I'll cross off & mark the date I complete each item. I better get moving! =)
- Pay off our house
- Have a baby(s)
- Travel to Ireland
- Go on a Mediterranean cruise
- Sponsor a child
- Run a half marathon
- Buy myself a designer purse
- Read the Bible cover-to-cover
- Increase retirement savings a considerable amount per month
- Drive across the United States
- Go camping
- Learn a song on the guitar
- Cook a Thanksgiving meal by myself
- Organize the kitchen cabinets
- Re-model our basement
- Go to a Steelers game
- Volunteer at a children’s hospital
- Go white water rafting
- Exercise consistently
- Juice vegetables every day for a month
- Rent a cabin and go skiing for the first time
- Learn how to hem pants
- Make a scrapbook
- Do 30 consecutive push-ups
- Bring new people to church on Sunday
- Learn yoga
- Visit New York City during Christmastime
- Create a home office
- Visit a winery
- Paint a picture & hang it in our house