Monday, October 24, 2011

Erin Condren Life Planner discount!!

I know, I know...everyone has been talking about the Erin Condren Life Planners.  And you're probably sick of hearing about them, but yet you secretly want one, right?!?

Well that's been me for the past several months, but I just couldn't justify spending $50 on a planner.  That sounds ridiculous.  But these planners are just different.  They're extremely personalized, colorful, tabbed, and filled with just the right inserts to get your life organized.  (stickers/labels included...ahhh!)  See pictures below! =)  Or stop by the Erin Condren website and see how great they look!

Pinned Image

Pinned Image

 Sooo...after waking up this morning and perusing the internet, I randomly found this great Plum District deal.  You spend $25 dollars for $50 worth of Erin Condren products.  PLUS, when you sign up with Plum District, you automatically get $5 subtracted from your first order.  PLUS, I found a Plum District coupon code that takes another 10% off your order.  Just type "fabulous" into the Promo Code section.

So my grand total was 17.50!  How awesome is that?!  

This really isn't a saving money/deal finding type of blog...but I know a lot women out there might be interested.  So if you is the link:  Plum District: Erin Condren discount

Unfortunately, this discount is only good for 1 day and I've heard in the past that they can actually sell out.  So if you're interested...jump on it!  This discount can also be applied to her other products if a planner isn't really your thing.

Have fun!!


Saturday, October 15, 2011

I'm back!

Hello again :-)

I'm home safe & sound from my San Francisco trip!  But really, I've just been slacking in the blogging world because I've been home since Tuesday morning...woopsssss

I've just been tired & pretty busy this week.  But anywho...

San Francisco was WONDERFUL!  I truly had an amazing time.  The city is absolutely beautiful, the weather was perfect, and it was great for us all to be together as a family.  Here are some pictures that highlight our trip:

Golden Gate Bridge...obviously.  All together again :)

 The Island of Alcatraz!  So cool...but SO creepy!!

 Inside the Alcatraz Penitentiary...ha!

 Fisherman's Wharf

About to get some yummy seafood! :)

 Blue Angels!  The airshow just happened to be in San Fran that weekend.  How perfect was that?!?  Josh was in absolute heaven.  And to be honest, so was I.  Seeing jets soar through the sky and knowing how much love Josh has for aviation makes my heart feel warm inside.  People need to appreciate flying more.   It's freaking sweet!

 And last, but certainly not least, The Painted Ladies.  Yes, this was from the opening credits of Full House, aka: Best TV show of all time.  This was probably my favorite spot in the entire city.  It shows such a nice contrast between the old & the new.  A line of Victorian Homes with the skyscrapers as a backdrop.  

And yes, I did see the original Full House house. was while we were on a tour and we were just driving by.  I tried to snap a picture super fast but it didnt really come out.  How lame.  But at least I was still there!!!  for a second

I'm really sad our trip is over, but honestly, it just made me want to start planning our next vacation asap.  I'm thinking a Mediterranean cruise in April!  How awesome would that be?!  It would start in Rome, Italy and then go to Sicily, Turkey, and (Athens) Greece.  What are your thoughts?  I've never been on a cruise before, but that sounds like an awesome way to see some beautiful places.  I feel like Josh and I need to get one more big trip in before we have a baby. on a completely different note - Josh STILL has not found out if he's been awarded Captain.  I mean seriously.  This is getting ridiculous.  Ugh...whatev.  Hopefully I have some news on that subject soon.  


Monday, October 10, 2011

Guest Post #3 - Happy List

Hi Friends, I want to say thanks to Shea for giving me the opportunity to post on here today. I really enjoy reading her blog, and I'm sure she's having a great time in San Francisco. (I LOVE SF)

My name is Tammy, and I blog over at Lemons, Avocados, and the Bay. My blog is all about my sweet man, our San Diego adventures, fashion, travel, good food, and well the things that make me happy. Speaking of "happy", I thought it would be fun to share with you a list of some of the simple things that make me smile.

1. Quiet Saturday mornings all to myself. This past Saturday it was just the couch, magazines, my kindle, and some Sex and the City. You can read more about that here

2. This guy right here. He makes me laugh, is always there for me, and just wants me to be happy (I could say he always listens, but let's be real... he's a boy and he doesn't always listen =P)
Photo by Josh Sudock
3. The arrival of seasonal drinks at Starbucks. Seriously, why can't they have Salty Caramel Lattes all year?
Source: via Katie on Pinterest

4. Living in San Diego. Seriously there is just something so sweet, calm, and relaxing about living in this beautiful place. If you haven't been here, come visit. :) You will love it.

5. Learning about a new yoga or pilates reformer pose and deciding I really want to figure out how do the pose.  Working on reaching the pose, finally doing the pose, but knowing I have a long way to go before I am able to master it. I've been told that yoga is all about the journey, and not the final destination. I think I have to agree.

6. Reading, and especially that bittersweet feeling I get right after finishing a great book... Just finished "The Help" and loved it!

7. Attempting to bake, and somehow ending up successful. Last week I made pumpkin bread pudding and it was soooooooooooooo good. I found the recipe here.
It may not be the most beautiful bread pudding you've seen, but it was yummy ;)

8. Traveling! There are few things that make me happier than exploring a place I have never been to before.
On top of a waterfall in Maui
9. Riding down the boardwalk on my beach cruiser, and ringing the bell. It's bbbrriinnnggg always makes the tourists smile.

10. This little blog of mine, the time and dedication I have put into it, and what it is becoming. It's funny how this little hobby has turned into something I absolutely love and am becoming pretty passionate about.

Thanks for taking the time to read about the things that make me smile. I hope my list made you smile a little too. Interested in writing your own happy list? You can link up to my happy list on Thursday at Lemons, Avocados, and the Bay.
Have a great week,

Thank you so much Tammy for taking the time to guest post for me!  I really appreciate it :-)  I love your blog and I'm excited that I'm currently in your HOME STATE having a *wonderful* time!  


Saturday, October 8, 2011

Guest Post #2 - Fall Trend

Hello there Flying Through Life readers!  Ashley here from Places To Go, Things To Buy and I am sooo excited that Shea has allowed me to do a guest posting on her fabulous blog! She and I have become bloggie friends (the best kind of course) and today I thought we’d talk about one of fall’s hottest trends…..RED!

Color has totally invaded fall this year.  Goodbye traditional fall colors like brown, black, and beige. Hello bright and bold colors!  For me, this is a welcome surprise because I love color!  Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate the neutrals, but I will always love a good pop of color.  And what better way to do it then with red!

One of my fall fashion buys were these red work pants from Express!  I absolutely love them and I got so many compliments on them the other day!  They fit like a dream too!

A tried and true classic is red nail polish, and nobody does it better than Chanel of course!  Whenever I see someone with red nails or lips, I always swoon!  There is just something so eye-catching about it!

These red suede booties from Nine West are adorable! What a great way to add a pop of color to an outfit…..just throw on a pair of skinny jeans, white t-shirt, and a black blazer and your good to go!  These are definitely on my fall wish list….

And last but not least, can we just take a sec to admire how gorgeous this JCrew red winter coat is? It’s a bit outa my budget…..($350)….BUT this would absolutely make a statement walking down the street! Go big or go home, right? It’s such a gorgeous shade of red and I love the military style buttons!

So remember….don’t be afraid of color this fall and when it doubt….wear red! Thanks for reading and please stop on over to my blog, Places To Go, Things To Buy. I’d love to meet you all!

Ashley - I love your style and actually don't have much red in my wardrobe...but you've definitely inspired my next shopping trip!  Thanks so much for your willingness to guest blog!..I'm so happy we've become bloggie friends :-)

The third and final guest post will be on Monday from Tammy @ Lemons, Avocados, and the Bay.  I hope you check it out!


Friday, October 7, 2011

Guest Post #1 - Mama Laughlin

Hello all you FTL readers! 
I am Mama Laughlin. Now, brace yourself for some inappropriateness... that's sort of my thing.

I'm not the wife of a pilot like Shea- my husband is an electrician if you MUST know. But I am mom of soon to be 2 boys.
Shoot me.
Okay, don't really. I seriously have the cutest kid in all the lands. (What? I do!)


And I'm pretty sure this next one is going to be equally as good looking.
He get it from his mama. :)
But in all seriousness, I love my son more than anything in this world and can't wait to expand our family!
This is our family last Christmas.

I know what you're thinking, and you're right, I WAS skinny. 
I worked my ass off to be that skinny. Literally.
Because before I got pregnant, I actually looked like this.

And then I got pregnant in 2009. Delivered my son weighing in at 217 lbs. 

And then I became an obese, 200 lb. mom. Something I'd always feared. 

And then one day when my son was 6 weeks old I said "ok, I think I want to be skinny". And from that day forward, I worked my butt off to be just that.
It took me nearly 10 months to lose 60 lbs. 
It is one of the best things I've ever done for myself and one of the things I'm most proud of.

I kept track of my weightloss on my blog and posted pics with each 10 lb. loss. 
I didn't take a magic pill, follow some ridiculous diet, or have surgery. I did it the old fashioned way- I put down the fork and picked up my tennis shoes.
I truly believe the key to weightloss is hard work and consistency.
If I can do it, ANYONE can.

Now days, I look more like this.

I have had a fit pregnancy this time around and am still feeling great at 34 weeks.
I truly believe that's because I've continued to eat mindfully and stay active throughout this pregnancy. 
I also know that post-baby body won't be NEAR as bad as it was last time and for that I'm thankful.
I will, however, be documenting my post-baby weightloss again on my blog and hope you'll stop by to watch this mama get fit again!
And say hello if you're new, I love meeting new friends!

Until next time, 
Peace, Love, & Baby Fat

Mama Laughlin

Thanks so much Mama Laughlin!  I love your blog & I'm so excited that you were able to do a post for me!  I'm honored :-)  

Tomorrow's guest post will be Ashley from Places to Go, Things to Buy!  I hope you stop over!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

No Update...

Yesterday evening, Josh was supposed to find out if there was a possibility of him upgrading to Captain.  Well....yesterday came and went...and no list was released.  

So dumb AND typical!  Ugh!!

I seriously predicted this would happen.  I really don't want to bash his company especially since they haven't ever screwed Josh over (and sometimes that's normal for an airline to do) and his job is pretty stable (something to be cherished when working for an airline).....


His company is always late with everything!  Putting lines (AKA: schedules) out, seniority lists, the new contract, and now I can add this to the list...  which of course is the one that we're most on edge about.  Apparently the system that was supposed to compute the entire realignment just didn't work.  Wonderful.  You would have thought they'd do a trail run first??  Hopefully they get it figured out soon!

  Ohhh well, time will tell.  Enough of my complaining!  Until then, I'm sure Josh will be compulsively checking his crew account to see if they've released anything.  

Keep keeping your fingers crossed!!! :-)

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Captain Spot?

So this should be quite an interesting week...

This post may get a little complicated and if it bores you, I won't be offended.  But after all, this is a blog of a pilot's wife!

A few weeks ago, Josh's airline announced a "Realignment" notice which basically gives the pilot's the opportunity to "bid" to fly other planes.  Since his company recently merged with 2 other companies, there are now a total of 4 different types of planes.

Contrary to what many people think, pilot's just don't wake up each morning and fly whatever plane is lined up for them.  They are assigned to and trained for a specific aircraft and that's what they stick to unless they bid to fly something else or they are hired by another airline.

  So because of this realignment and there being new planes to bid for, Captains might choose to fly something different.  In turn, that may create a few open Captain spots.  If things work out just right, Josh could maybe, just possibly be awarded a Captain.  ...which would be crazy/so exciting!

But honestly, there are just too many things that have to work out perfectly.  At first we were quite hopeful, but the more Josh ran the numbers, the more doubtful we became.  We just keep telling ourselves that if it doesn't work out this time around, it's for a reason and his time will come when it's right.  On the bright side, if some people upgrade to Captain (but not enough for him to be reached), he'll soar in seniority and hopefully get better schedules.  

Ughh...who knows.  This pilot business is just too complex. 

One thing I don't like about the airlines is the fact that everything is based on seniority.  Although it makes everything "fair", it's not based on merit.  In other words, Josh could be THE BEST pilot in the entire world, but he wouldn't be awarded a captain spot until everyone hired before him got it too.  I don't like it!!  I like my job where if you do really are given a promotion or somehow rewarded.     

Anywho...the list showing if anyone was awarded a Captain spot comes out Tuesday evening.  However, we can't even get our hopes up because that's just the "Initial" award.  If anyone wants to make changes or decline anything, they can.  For example, if a Captain changes his mind about going to a different aircraft, they can decline and then that open spot goes away.  The "Final" list comes out Thursday night and that's the important one.  If his name is on there, then we're off to celebrate!

So if you all could just cross your fingers for him, that would be wonderful.  I'm really not expecting him to actually get it...but we can at least hope, right?!?

Whatever happens, happens.  But I'll definitely keep you all posted!!  Think happy thoughts! :-)